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Pink Sand


A HOME FOR ALL PATHS // A Blue Jay Feather lays diagonally crossing atop the bottom 1/3 of a Beautiful Freeform Citrine Crystal


A water buffalo horn filled with small, dried spring flowers. laying on a tan rabbit skin. below lays a freeform citrine crystal, a desert rose stone, a tumbled pink quartz crystal, and a young blue jay feather


Build a Link to Connect Your Spiritual Knowledge, Wisdom, and Wonder. Providing a network of resources, for those spiritually awakened & like-minded.

 Shine a light on Your Unique Practices, Spiritual Path, or Your Cultural Occult Traditions.

I Welcome You to Craft Your Path with as we share in each & every journey of enlightenment!


~Be It Shall 

the Sky-Blue Beads, and Feathers, of a Dream Catcher, sways in the breeze4

4x live weekly lessons. You will receive weekly Home Assignments and be provided with learning materials that will allow your family to continue the work that we will have started together.

including personalized weekly age-appropriate hands-on match each lesson. Following the completion of the A.F.E Course your family will be given access to an additional 2x class lessons of your choosing.

Lessons are specifically designed to best meet each family members skill level and learning style, while keeping with family unit of one concept.

Think of this Course as the moment in time that strengthened the bonds, opened the eyes, and lifted your family's spirits and wisdom to elevated heights "TOGETHER"



Energy Field Tuning.png
Copy of Simple Onboarding Process  Next Steps SheetHBHH.png

            OUR WORK

                                                        *THANK YOU* 


Spiritual life coaches

 Providing Private and group Spiritual Guidance from a Certified Coach and Life Experienced Mentor

"Your Spiritual Life Coach 

is a Connection 

that You Will Cherish All

Your Life" 


Image by David Boca

DIVINERS & Advisors

divination readings such as,

zodiac, Natal & astrological placements, tarot & oracle, Ancient gematria, numerology  

angel guides, bones & runes, flame magick, aura & energy field readings, spirit medium, dream walking, +



Custom Tailored made crafts, blessings & rituals 

Request a free consultation!


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Celestial & Angel Guide


        JULY 12- 16

The Female Angel MELIHAEL Sits on the Angelic Choir of Thrones, The Archangel who looks upon her is ZAPHAEL . MELIHAEL Shines a Brillance of Indigo colored light. Her Element is Water. MELIHAEL Planets are Saturn & Mercury

She is the Guardian Angel of Nature. MELIHAEL is gifted with the power of Healing and Strongly Encourages Well-Being, she provides you the skill to improve your self control over your emotions, as you will also see improvement in your relationships . granting inner peace and the knowledge to Adapt to new Situations. Call on this Angel when you have a spiritual, physical, or mental illness causing you pain, and imbalance, and within a moment or two you will notice that your discomfort has subsided. 




Our Community is a Growing Hub

for Spiritual Seekers from All Paths.

Healers, Diviners, Empaths, Alchemists,

Spiritualists, Astrologists, Advisors,

High Priestess, Priests, Psychics, Lightworkers,

Dream Walkers, Wizards, Witches,  Mystics, Mediums, and Masters! 

Showcase Your Eclectic Style.

Yellow Fire Lanterns
Reaching Out to the Sun

  The exercise in 'The Key' {pt1} was a simple way of getting our thought's in line with the feelings of being fresh, clean, and empowered. Vibrating the flow of energy in a new direction towards success. The next step is to seed our mind to think on the path of positive thought. We will start by grounding ourselves into all that is pure, positive, and warm. We close our eyes an begin to lift our face to the energizing rays of the Sun.

   "Quote from "Visualize {pt2}{"


Small Title

Pastries - $4

Butter Croissant - $2.5

Coffee/Tea - $1

Fresh Juice - $2

Hello, I am Ms.Domianah, I will be your family's Advisor, Instructor, and Guide as you walk the path of the A.F.E Program.

I'm proud to say I've crafted the following Lessons and I thank you for allowing me to share them with you and your family.

This program is designed for the family unit. As your family progresses through the lesson's together you will have gained the tools and wisdom of a spiritually bonded unit of one.

Strengthening your spiritual connection with the divine universe, and to one another. Thank You ~ Ms.Domianah

A Family Enchantment

"Quote from A.F.E Program"


Join Our Vision

 Do You Have a Unique Spiritual Style?

Become a 

*Special Guest* 

Featured on

WE Respect All Walks of Spirituality

 New Idea's & Talent's 

from NewAge, Metaphysical, & Occult Traditions +

Promote Your Talents, Wisdom and Skills!

Welcome on Board!!

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